We like to think we are a fun group with whom to do a postdoc. Our interests include observations of icy bodies in the outer solar system (satellites, Jupiter Trojans, Centaurs, Kuiper belt objects), dynamical evolution of these bodies to understand the early solar system, modeling of the chemistry and dynamics to understand their history and evolution and the history of our own protoplanetary disk, and laboratory studies of the the chemistry of icy bodies in the outer solar with a particular emphasis on comparing to observations. Are you interested in these things? There are many paths to doing your postdoc in our group.
Sometimes we corral enough funding to hire postdocs outside of these programs. If that is happening, it will be posted here.
There are so many things to do in our group as a postdoc. Interested in working in the lab? Looking at some of the large amount of JWST data that we have? Applying for time at the Keck or Palomar Observatories? Being in a department with world class planetary scientists in all areas? It's hard to be in better place. Come join us.
There are many different opportunities and, sadly, they each have slightly different application processes and requirements. While this is irritating, it beats the alternative that there are no opportunities, so we hope you will consider applying.