Week 4
Week 4: The insides of giants planets
- Lecture 2.01: Introduction to Jupiter
- Lecture 2.02: Measuring density
- Lecture 2.03: Using density
- Lecture 2.04: Hydrostatic equilibrium
- Lecture 2.05: Hydrogen equation-of-state
- Lecture 2.06: Heat transport
- Lecture 2.07: Theoretical interior structure
- Lecture 2.08: A core from gravity
- Lecture 2.09: Magnetic fields
- Lecture 2.10: The upper atmosphere and the Galileo probe
- Lecture 2.11: Picture models
Additional Readings
Lecture 2.01: Introduction to Jupiter
- There are many places to read of the early history of Jupiter study. Google will find them for you.
- I enjoyed reading Captain Noble's Note on two Sketches of Jupiter and, also, the article right after it about spectroscopy of the Great Red Spot
Lecture 2.02: Measuring density
- If you would like to review Kepler's laws and the derivation of the formula to figure out the mass, try here or here. We are primarily concerned with Kepler's 3rd law, though we will deal with the first two a bit later.
- The Cavendish experiment is interesting to read about in a little more detail.
- There is a nice discussion on the history of scientific uses of the transits of Venus from the Ohio State University.
Lecture 2.04: Hydrostatic equilibriumLecture 2.05: Hydrogen equation of state
- It is hard to find an appropriate description of a Fermi gas that does not delve strongly into quantum mechanics and/or statistical physics. The Wikipedia article is not particularly illuminating. You might be able to follow along some of the derivations here. Alternatively, go rewatch the video and try hard to follow along.
Lecture 2.06: Heat transport
- This is a good place to mention one general level review which is quite good, by Guillot in Physics Today. A subscription is required, but Google Scholar could help you out.
- At a more technical level, Guillot also has a fine review in Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. A free version is here.
- Understanding convection requires understanding of lapse rates. Though for now the complication of wet vs. dry is not relevant to us.
- A general discussion on convective heat transfer is useful.
Lecture 2.07: Theoretical internal structure
- The two Guillot papers mentioned above are your best source here
Lecture 2.08: A core from gravity?
- Keep reading those Guillot papers!
Lecture 2.09: Magnetic fields
- A quick encyclopedia entry on Jupiter's magnetic field will get you oriented.
- Dynamo theory is a complicated problem in magnetohydrodynamics, but Wikipedia is not a bad place to start.
- You could follow @dynamotheory but that would get you nowhere useful.
Lecture 2.10: The upper atmosphere and the Galileo probe